One of these days, I'll make a java version of my game Domain Country.
Here are some games out there that don't care what operating system you use, because they are either:
- programmed in java
- use shockwave or Flash
- use HTML (possibly with javaScript)
- use telnet
- Human-age, Colony337
- Yukon Solitaire and Tetravex
- Wordsteal and other Scrabble Variants
- Acrony
- WriteCloud and Human Brain Cloud
- MMOGs - some of them free
- Name that game
- Java astrodust
- Text_Adventure6
- A Room With A Grue
- Virtual Apple
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in Java
- Hunt the wumpus, SodaRace, Lord BBS
- Carabella went to College in 2003
- NanoKids
- Funnygames, 80s games, Cubis, Little Fluffy games
- Story Harp, Insaniquarium
- Spin the Dreidel
- Choose Your Own Adventures Book Maze, Pirate, Artistic Adventure, Interactive Fiction Writing
- Guess the character, Video game quizzes, The Language Game
- Telnet Session MUDS:
- MudMagic
- Mud connector
- Wheel of Tim MUD (1993)
- CircleMUD
- LambdaMoo - Object Oriented Multi-user Domain
- Medieval World MUD